About Jac

For as long as I remember, I have dressed everyone, from little babies to grown adults. My closet was, and always will be, an open door allowing my friends to share my heart, my obsession, my gift. Growing up in New Jersey, I have followed fashion down to every little accessory. While the grand New York market lived around the corner, I had constant access to the newest & most on trend pieces, that became my consistent | must haves |
for every season.
My eye for style, is not typical. One day I could be wearing an evening gown, the next, could be Nike sweats & Air Force ones or even a killer flannel & Dr Martens. There is a key difference between the two words
| style | & | fashion |
which I wanted to recognize when I decided to launch this business.
Being a single mother, to my son Sj, over the last 9 years, has been the most rewarding job God has blessed me with. When I started my children's boutique | 3 years ago | I realized how mamas desired the same trendy comfort their babes did. From there, it became my mission to find transitional pieces that complimented their everyday style.
So here we are. A modern mix of style, oriented to women & children, in hopes of bringing one | of | a | kind pieces at affordable prices to dress | all the | beautiful people. May my style be portrayed through these collaborations and that you shine at every chance.
Here's to turning heads.
Thank you for allowing me to dress
you and your everyday MODE.